We at
Harmony United Methodist Church are glad you are interested in visiting us. You are warmly invited to come and worship with us, share in ministry, grow as disciples to Christ and experience God’s grace through our time together. Our mission is to
show God’s love to each other, the community, and the world.
Our weekly
worship services are held in our sanctuary at
10:00 AM Sunday mornings and are shared virtually on Facebook and YouTube.
We recognize that people look for God and Christian community in many ways, and each of our weekly worship services and studies have a unique character. We also offer children’s church during the 10:00 AM service and two adult
Sunday School classes at 9:00 AM. We value our relationship to the communities of northern Berkeley County, West Virginia and southern Washington County, Maryland and our opportunities to minister in these neighborhoods of God’s creation.
Whether you visit in person or online, we hope you discover something here to secure and deepen your spiritual journey. We look forward to meeting you and sharing our Christian journey as servants and disciples of Jesus Christ.
Healthy Sanctuary Etiquette for Worship ServicesPlease continue to be mindful of your own health needs, and wearing face coverings is encouraged for anyone at risk or at risk to family. As John Wesley had instructed disciples to do no harm, let us be considerate of the health needs of our neighbors and other congregants because many people in our community are still susceptible to the harmly effects of coronavirus.
2024 Resources
Devotionals online can provide daily, weekly, or occasional content for reflection, prayer, and personal faith renewal. The Upper Room is a good place to find such resources, like: New Every Morning from The Upper Room and Sight Psalms, photos for daily reflection and inspiration: Upper Room Sight Psalms and topics for navigating Grief and Healing: Upper Room Grief & Healing.
The Upper Room ministries also has assembled informative and spiritually engaging resources on anti-racism: Upper Room: The Spiritual Work of Overcoming Racism.
The United Methodist Church produces and maintains plentiful resources of information from historical and theological concepts to polity and practice to outreach and servant ministries -- from very general information to specific events and programs. The links below contain a great trove of information, but they are not a comprehensive set of useful website contents.
United Methodist News
United Methodist Discipleship Ministries
United Methodist Resources
Baltimore-Washington Conference
The prophet Micah put our spiritual task this way: what is good, and what does the Lord require of you - but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God! (Micah 6:8, NRSV)